All cancelations must be made in writing from the person canceling and delivered by mail or email. Voicemail or verbal correspondence does not constitute an acceptable cancellation notice. Cancellation notice will be deemed to be the date on which the CRC receives written notification.
If your organization is closed entirely due to a natural disaster or pandemic, the CRC will allow your group to reschedule your event within 180 days of the retreat date. Failure to host your event within 180-days of the 1st day of your original event date will result in forfeiture of your deposit.
There are many things to do when preparing for a hosted retreat at the CRC. We have conveniently provided the following list in order to assist you.
The hall setup photos and information is provided for St. Eugene Hall, Marian Hall, Oblate Hall, Ali Center and Gerard Room so that you can plan the layout of your retreat. This also includes an Audio/Visual information as well.
To ensure details are not missed. Please communicate for retreat bookings using email as opposed to phone calls. All retreat booking details must be communicated by email. Email [email protected]
As Far As Advance As Possible:
1. Request a Proposal for Hosting a Retreat (using the Rental Request Form). A quote will be sent back to you by email within 72-hours. If you decide to book, a contract will be sent to you (when a contract is sent the dates/venue are placed on hold for 14-days).
2. Turn in Signed Contract, Addendums, & Deposit (20% of proposed cost) to the CRC (Groups will priority booking must complete this 12-months out for their spot to be held). Payments can be made by credit or debit card online. At 3% to your cost for fees. Pay Here
The Sooner the Better:
3. Select Meal Time (2nd meal time is only assigned if 3 groups are onsite on weekend or if group is during the week but crosses over to Friday). Email Kim Brown
Meal times are 45-minutes per group.
- 1st 7:30AM, 11:30AM, 5PM
- 2nd 8AM, Noon, 5:30PM
- 3rd 8:30AM, 12:30PM, 6PM
Details on meals and menu planning.
4. Select Chapel Times for Mass, Exposition, Confession, Liturgy of Hours, and Prayer (include time for preparing for Liturgy) You can book a 2-hour block of time twice each day of your retreat in advance. Then you can book additional times 2 months out. This allows all groups to use the Chapel for Mass and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Chapels are consecrated Roman Catholic Chapels and are available only for Churches in union with the Latin Rite. Chapel use is granted by Cardinal DiNardo. Details on Chapels online at Email your times listing the day, timeframe (sacristan entering to last person exiting), and purpose.
Ex. Friday, Sept 15 6AM - 7:30AM Mass.
Email Kim Brown
5. Review the Contract to ensure meeting space and lodging type. Attend a tour to see available space and make plans for your retreat. If your group wants to use outdoor space such for activities, please reserve, to avoid conflicts with other groups scheduling (Marian Grotto, Stations Grotto Rosary Walk, Bayou Stations of Cross, Gaga Pit, Grass Area, Etc)
* The earlier is better as it draws closer to your date, other groups will also be in the calendar and using the CRC.
ACTS Group Only - Please Read:
- Outdoor Candlelight Guidelines
2-Months Prior to Your Retreat:
6. Book additional Chapel Times as space permits. Email Kim Brown
At Least 14-Days Prior to Your Retreat:
7. Turn in a Retreat Schedule (if not in English, email it as a Word document so it can be google translated). So the CRC staff can review to ensure your group is scheduled in shared spaces (Chapel, Cafeteria, Outdoor Prayer) & Schedule Your Retreat Check-In Time. Email Kim Brown
8. If paying for the set-up of Meeting Space, turn in a set-up request. Only original set-up. The group is responsible for set-ups during their retreat. Let the staff know the number of chairs and tables as well as their placement along with any audio/visual and sound. Email Kim Brown Sample set-up designs:
- Eugene Hall
- Oblate Hall
- Ali Center
- Marian Hall
- Gerard Room
9. For non-Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston Groups turn in your Certificate of Insurance with details included from Addendum B - failure to turn in 14-days prior to your event will result in the cancellation of your event and forfeiture of your deposit. Email Kim Brown
At Least 7-Days Prior to Your Retreat:
10. Turn in your final headcount, using the following method. Email Kim Brown
Number of People for Meals #_______
If bringing extra people for a meal, which meal and how many. # ________
If Dietary Needs:
Number of Dairy Free # _____
Number of Gluten-Free # ____
Number of Diabetic #_____
Number of Vegetarian #___
Number of Vegan # ____ Menu online at
11. Email Retreatant Registration (Name & Contact Information). Use the sample attached or the one you have already created.
12. Identify Group Member who will act as your Golden Plunger. The Golden Plunger is the contact between your group and the CRC On-Call Staff. Be sure to provide CRC with their cell phone number.
13. Group Leader identifies and prepares Retreat Team for their responsibilities for Retreat including being aware of CRC Addendums.
14. Watch the CRC Welcome Video for Group Leaders & Golden Plungers and look over packing list to follow instructions.
English Video:
Spanish Video:
1st Day of Retreat:
15. Turn in payment for the remainder of your balance to the office. CRC Staff will send a bill upon receipt of the final headcount. BE ON TIME. Our staff stops the work they are doing to meet at the time, that your group selected. Please be respectful and be ontime.
16. Turn in your Room Assignment (note rooms have various beds if bed says bunk that means full with twin on top) or Lodge Assignment List. The Retreat Check-In email tells you which lodges and rooms you have been assigned, so you can plan accordingly. The property map is online at
17. Lodging (rooms or lodges) available after 3PM and Meeting Space at 8AM on the first day of the retreat. When lodging is cleaned and ready prior to 3PM, we are happy for your group to enter the lodging early.
Last Day of Retreat:
18. Ensure the group has packed up all their supplies and personal belongings.
19. Throw trash away in the dumpster.
20. Make sure all HVAC is set to 78 Summer or 60 Winter in Lodging & Meeting Spaces.
21. Make sure all water and lights are turned off.
22. Make sure all doors and windows are closed.
23. Leave all keys and golden plunger chart on the table in your meeting hall and lock the meeting hall door. Text on-call staff that your group is leaving.
24. Report any issues to the On-Call Staff including reporting injury (Incident Report Form)
25. Check-out of lodging by 10AM and 8PM for Meeting Space. The majority of the time, the CRC does not have a fast turnaround (begin cleaning same day a group departs), and groups are allowed to leave belongings in their room until they check out. This will not be known until the day your group checks in. At check-in ast the Missionary staff.
26. Ensure your group contract and deposit are on-file to hold your spot for Priority Booking for the following year. Groups must request contracts and submit contracts and deposits within 14-days following their retreat to hold their date for the following year.