Arrival: Friday at 7 PM Check-In (Groups should have already eaten dinner) at Lodge Kitchen
Departure: Sunday at 12PM Check-Out
Cost $159 per person and includes:
- 2 Nights Lodging
- 4 Meals
- Retreat Team
- Activities & Supplies
- All Inclusive
Following Archdiocese protocols:
- Youth Ministers are responsible for ensuring they have the appropriate number of Chaperones and that all Chaperone's safe environment training and background checks are current and valid. The youth will remain under the care and supervision of their parish. The retreat team is responsible for content, while youth ministers and chaperones are responsible for their youth.
- Youth Ministers will have the proper forms for all their youth and chaperones attending and will be responsible for anyone in their group that gets sick.
- Lodges sleep 16 - 17 people. Same gender in a lodge. Must have at least 2 chaperones per lodge or do hourly night checks to ensure all is well in the lodge.
Youth Ministers, please plan the following:
- After getting your reservation form, the CRC will confirm your date and send you a bill for 20% of the cost based on the number of spaces being held.
- If your number increases or decreases, let CRC know at [email protected] so we can make modifications for lodging, etc
- 14-days prior to your retreat, email [email protected] with the final count (male youth, male chaperones, female youth, female chaperone) and dietary needs. CRC accommodates Diabetic, Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Vegetarian, and Vegan meals.
- CRC will mail you a bill (minus the deposit paid). Your group will bring payment to check-in.
- Comfortable, yet appropriate attire (remember you will be in the Chapel with Jesus)
- Jacket or sweater, if needed in the meeting room or in the evening outside
- Personal hygiene products (shampoo, soap, deodorant, toothpaste, etc.)
- Towels, wash cloths, and shower shoes
- Bedding for your twin size bunk; sheets, pillow, pillowcase, blanket or sleeping bag
- Your Bible
- 12 -packs of individually packaged snacks (Males)
- 24 -pack of individually packaged drinks (Females)
- Mosquito repellant (if the season warrants it!)
The deposit will hold the number of spaces you have indicated. You are financially responsible for your final headcount turned in 14-days prior to the retreat.